Who am I?

I’ve been at this for a minute. I went through two dotcom booms and busts (is there a 3rd coming?) and have watched the WWW, Web, Internet, Web 2.0 go through a lot of changes. Seeing these changes made me realize there’s a lot of disorganization, and I chose at an early phase in my career to do what I can to bring order to the projects I work on and the companies I work for.

I started out doing HTML then CSS and realized I didn’t like it. Information Architecture was just becoming a thing so I made the pivot to that, beginning with sitemaps and flow diagrams, to wireframes to design documents. Throughout it all, I remain true to my main philosophy: Everything has a home. Everything goes somewhere and there has to be an easy way to get there. That’s the crux of what I do.

I have worked on so many different projects I’ve lost count. Some of my favorites are:

Viera TV App

iOS, Android, and a Smart TV App

Western Union
Western Union Apple Watch App
Western Union Facebook Bot

Apple Watch App, Facebook Bot

Apollo/University of Phoenix  
Apollo Interview Prep

Prototype for an Interview Prep Tool